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Welcome to Useful YouTube!

There is a lot of great and helpful homeschooling information out on the internet, and it can be hard to find it all!  On this page, I hope to link to some of the best videos I've found, so you can have one place to come for ideas and tutorials.  I hope to have CC stuff, as well as general homeschooling ideas.  If you find something awesome, please give me a heads up so I can add it!

Classical Conversations has their own channel with a plethora of videos, sorted according to what you are looking for.  Rather than re-listing all of them here, I'll just give the intro video, then you can click the title to go to their channel!

Community Day


This mom describes what a Community Day looks like, as well as a few curriculum choices!  This video is from 2011 and shows an old edition of our guide.  The content and opinions are still relevent!

Click the title for several videos about Classical Conversations' free 3-day summer training events, testimonials from parent and students, and a sample of what each day will cover.

Detailed descriptions and personal demos for the All About Reading & Spelling Programs

These videos show what various levels of Challenge (CC highschool program) are like.  The Foundations and Essentials Programs were designed to prepare students for this level of coursework - you only need to add math!

Sarah MacKenzie has written a book, journal and audio companion for busy homeschooling Moms designed to help us simplify our schedules, see what's really important, and let God help us to get there.  Click the title for her videos.  She also has several low-cost webinars for things like keeping a "Commonplace Book" and her "Read Aloud Revival".

A few resources here explaining how or why to use Saxon Math.  Most people either love it or hate it, but most agree that the approach really works with most kids!

This is a great online cursive writing program!!  She begins with basic strokes, then turns those into letters before moving onto more difficult motions.  Printable worksheets are provided!

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